(UPI) West Covina, CA . LAST NIGHT - SUNNY SKIES FOR THE DEL MAR Its been said that if all that if all you have is a hammer, than the whole world looks like a nail, Well the hammer was Rick Chaz Entertainment - Viva LA Disco, and it came down hard last night on the heads of the party goers! As the DEL MAR played host to a capacity packed bed of nails -Ala Love Disco Style.
Clearly RC Entertainment has the Midas Touch having hosted their 3rd venue at the Del MAR, culminating in a windfall profit of discomites in attendance. RC Entertainment's first two venues could have been a wash amid the heavy rains, they were venturing into uncharted territory, but H2o falling from the sky, five venues on the same night, have only raised the brow of the Disco Gods, as if to say Is that All You Got?. Okay now for the the trial by fire, with sunny skies blooming on the horizon and the wind to their back...could RC entertainment step up to the plate and deliver the long ball, hit the home run? Well if you were in attendance last night, then it's just a rhetorical question that needs no answer. And if you missed it, RC TNT Entertainment hit it out of the park with a grand slam! With Mike Enchantment on the lights, providing a spectacular spectra of colors streaking across the room, like a comet on fire, the wheels of destiny were set in motion. The evening started as it ended with DJ Martin unleashing the best in classic disco. DJ Domingo Everybody Loves Disco played a superb set. Master Rick Chaz has brought in premier talent with such guest Djs as Midnight-Desire, HRF, JF2F and DJ Jerry Infinity.
The beauty of the night is the comradely that exists between the various disco promotion teams. Ultimate Crave, Ro's Room, DiscoXpress and LeVissio were in the house with dignitaries Richard Soto, El Coyote, Al, Rosa and Alfredo gracing us with there presence. Shout outs to all my friends in attendance Mario, Cindy B, Mina, Bennie, Patty and to all, because you are the VIPs that make these events happen. Without you support we are just some guys from Jersey.
The risk to ratio factor has truly paid dividends for RC TNT Entertainment.
Look for more great upcoming events:
The Bongo Lounge - Listen Daily and Live Every Wednesday The Lounge @ The Sage Restaurant Weekly every Saturday QCs Happy Hour every Friday w/DJ Host Joe Midnight Desire Disco Retro Nights March 29 @ the Radisson - Whittier Car Show Saturday March 30th - games, booths,food,a family affair w/DJ Danny Gruworks Debonair Disco Fever 1 Ultimate Crave April 5th @ The Green Turtle Restaurant in Whittier Circus Dora's 50th Birthday April 19th @ Circus Disco Holly wood Everybody Loves Disco and Viva LA Disco Rick Chaz Ent. Disco Underground Party April 26th @ The Del April 26th Viva LA Disco
For more info visit:
http://disco-salsa.activeboard.com or http://www.disco-salsa.com or any of the message boards or participating websites hosting events