Last night a tidal wave of epic proportions hit the West Cost! The West Cost of some of the finest DJs in the business as the Del Mar Restaurant played to to a full capacity house of party goers. They say you have to get out of the boat to walk on water and that's exactly what happened as Rick Chaz Entertainment pulled all the plugs and held nothing back as he unleashed his all-start line up. The God of the Sea Poseidon was literally awakened and brought to his feet towering in awe high above the waves of Disco Dancers.
Martin Rodriguez started off the evening with thunderous bolts of classic disco followed by DJ Rick Chaz who literally has taken a leap of faith from the safe zone to the faith zone. Moving from DJing, lighting and sound to the pedestal of "promoter" with DJ wife Sandy Playgirl Musique at his side. Never fails behind every great man is his women. The "Rock" Joe Midnighte-Desire brought the masses out the boat and into the rough seas as the dancers bobbed and swayed in the deep blue waters of dancers. By this time the crowd exceeded the floor capacity, as DJ Theo Vaness dropped anchor with his hit "Sentimentally Yours" We knew we weren't going anywheres as DJ Wukeen played a spectacular set that had the Rude Dawg on the floor for the entire set. Truth be told LA Larrry and I had subscriptions to Live and evan purchased some of his CDs back in the early years of "They Called It Disco" rival. I had a chance to catch up with The DJ Mike Enchantment, as he made sure that all the lighting was at the "Close Encounters" of an Earthling coming upon an Alien Spacecraft encounter . Mr. Gladiator Mike Enchantment your were magnificent as always sir.
My ole friend and dress consultant to the "Good Fellas" MC Mario graced us with his presence and support. Mr. Richard Soto was inspiring having recently come off surgery. Rene was in the da house, set to announce the grand opening of his cafe as we all wait with anticipation. Mr. and Ms. Disco Icons John and Debbie were seen near the DJ both providing security against frisky girls at the bar grabbing patrons behinds...right John? Cindy B. and Mina never fail to light up the room with their beautiful smiles. Yo Bobby, of Bobby's World was in the of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Every body Bobby introduces me to is his cousin...damn. Ro's Room was in the house shutter bugging about. Numerous Birthday parties were landing everywhere it seemed as I shared in some of Birthday Girl Belinda's birthday cake, Gilbert I enjoyed meeting you my friend. Oscar Levissio and Sarah where in the house...good people and good friends that light up a party like a 4th of July Finale.
Special thanks to Rosa and Alfredo and Myra who entertained us with their Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers moves.
To all our Disco Brothers holding events and DJing on the same night I say to you:
As promoters, DJs and support groups we often find ourselves shifting from promotion team to promotion team. Like a leaf in the wind we remain bound by our camaraderie, friendship and brotherhood to the "Disco Movement".
For our greatest accomplishments are not in our yesterdays but in our tomorrows.