This is a fanstastic instant mesaging feature available on our website and not on our message board which has private messaging.
To use the instant mesaging feature you need a log-on to the Disco-Salsa Website.
How Do I ge a logon-id Rude Dawg?
Just send an e-mail to the administrator at disco-salsa.
Where can I find this e-mail address?
Just go to and scroll to the bottom and you will see an "administrator" link to send me an e-mail
Just say "Set me up on your website"
I will then send you a link to log-on with a temporary user-id and password that will be come permanent once you logon.
That's It! Oh yeah you can register for the message board to access our members only areas by clicking on the "new member" link. A link will be sent to your e-mail activating you message board access.
The Who's Online feature of your site monitors who is currently using your site and allows you to instantly communicate with those members. Who's Online lets you see which members of your site are online in a separate browser window that you can view even after you leave the site. If someone logs on that you want to communicate with, you can start a one on one chat session from the Who's Online window. You will be listed as being online as long as you are connected to the internet and the Who's Online window is open. PLEASE NOTE: In order for you to see other names in the Who's Online box, those people must have their Who's Online box enabled. If they do not, and they are on the website, their names will not appear.
To have Who's Online automatically launch at login, or to stop it from automatically launching at login, please do the following:
1. Click on the Change Preferences link located under the Utilities section on the main page of the site 2. Place a check in the box next to the phrase, Automatically Launch The Who's Online At Login, under the Who's Online section 3. Click on Save at the bottom when you are finished
To launch Who's Online at any other time, please do the following:
1. Click the Chat link located at the top of the page 2. Click on the Launch Who's Online link located under the Who's Online box 3. The Who's Online box will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen